F.I.T. 302 Refresher – Comparing Juvenile Images (Virtual, April 14-17, 2025, 12PM-4PM EST)


12 in stock

SKU: 16-HR-REFRESH-JUV-04142025 Category:


The refresher class has the requirement that the student has taken one of our 200 series classes (or an equivalent – must provide evidence of other class/training for approval). This 16-hour class focuses on how juveniles age, provides updates on current standards/guidelines, a review of comparison methodologies, as well as a review of how to document a comparison. Held with a small class size (12:1 student to instructor ratio), the students are given time to do comparisons concentrating on juvenile-to-juvenile and juvenile-to adult images on known data sets with class reviews and feedback from the instructor to help address ongoing training requirements.

To enroll a group of students, please contact us at face@idealinnovations.com or call 571-480-5000.


Event Details

All online courses require access to the Internet. Unless your organization is providing you a system, you will need to have access to your own computer and a high-speed Internet Service Provider. A webcam and a headset or microphone for your computer is recommended and may be required.


You should be proficient in the following:

  • basic computer skills
  • sending/receiving email
  • sending and receiving attachments via email
  • using a web browser
  • finding resources through search engines
  • downloading and installing software
  • familiarity with using browser plug-ins (e.g. PDF reader, video, audio)
  • using a word processing, presentation software, or other productivity applications
  • experience/familiarity with a variety of file formats such as: .pdf "Portable Document Format", .rtf "Rich Text Format", .doc or .docx "Microsoft Word Document", and .txt "Text document"



  • PC or Mac with Processor produced within the last five years
  • Monitor
  • Speakers
  • Microphone
  • Headset
  • Webcam
  • Additional hardware maybe required to complete certain course components


  • Windows 8.1 or Above
  • OS 10.14 or Above
  • Additional Software may be Required
  • You may need to install "Microsoft Teams" to complete all course activities

Internet Connection

  • High speed Broadband Internet Connection is Required
    • Test your Internet speed using preferred ISPs tools
  • Please consider the following while participating in online/hybrid courses:
    • Using a shared Internet connection will impact connectivity, such as additional household members use of streaming TV, gaming, and other Internet usage.
    • Wireless connections may be impacted by the distance from the router and interference from microwaves and other electronics. (Wired connections are recommended.)
    • Your Internet Service Provider’s performance may vary throughout the day based on community usage.

The most recent release of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox is Recommended

Start date: April 14, 2025

End date: April 17, 2025

Start time: 12:00 p.m. EDT

End time: 04:00 p.m. EDT

Phone: (571) 480-5000

Email: face@idealinnovations.com